Title IX @ 50

September 29, -
Title IX literally changed the face of higher education. It remediated the exclusion of education from the earlier Civil Rights Act and made sex discrimination in education illegal. For many of women, affirmative action got our foot in the door, and Title IX allowed us to stay by giving us recourse when we faced harassment and discrimination in the tenure process. But enforcement took unexpected turns when athletics, not at all envisioned by the bill's creators, became the main focus. After initial floundering, the government created compliance protocols for athletics, and only for athletics. Much progress has been made, but even in athletics, as the dramatic disparity in the NCAA bubble last year showed, there is much work to be done. And the question of why STEM seems to have benefitted so little from Title IX and whether Title IX could be used more effectively in STEM and related fields remains to be answered.

1:30 PM - Introductory remarks by Provost Sally Kornbluth

1:45 PM - Panel 1: Background - Where we've come and how we got here with Deondra Rose (Duke), Elizabeth 'Libby' Sharrow (U Mass), and Miray Seward (Duke '14, Ph.D. Virginia, Search Institute)

3:30 PM - Panel 2: Title IX and STEM - Can Title IX change STEM? A moderated discussion and Q&A with Sherryl Broverman (Biology/Global Health), Whitney McCoy (Child and Family Policy), Kisha Daniels (Program in Education), and Tina Cheuk (California Polytech); Katherine 'Katie' Newhall (UNC Math)

5:30 PM - Panel 3: The Way Forward - A student forum on Title IX & STEM Moderated discussion led by student panel.



Arts & Sciences (A&S); Duke Alumni Association (DAA); Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies; Office for Institutional Equity (OIE); Political Science; Program in Education