A simple fix to encourage bipartisanship in the House - Georg Vanberg writes for The Hill

American politics appears broken. The Republican Party, which is in control of Congress and the presidency, is internally fractured and incapable of advancing a coherent policy agenda. Moderation and compromise, especially across party lines, are political minefields few politicians dare cross.

The budget process has become a game of chicken and Washington is unable to address pressing public issues. The current healthcare fiasco is Exhibit A: Held hostage by the fringe of their party, Republican leaders are unable to attempt a reasonable, bipartisan compromise.

What if a simple fix could encourage a return to bipartisanship? An obscure β€” though critical β€” element of the current logjam is the rules by which the Speaker of the House of Representatives can be dismissed. Any member can bring a motion β€œto declare the chair vacant.”

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