Timur Kuran and Peter Feaver sourced for NYTimes: "Is the Trump Presidency Getting More Normal? Experts Rate 28 Events"

President Trump continues to be unconventional. But he also seems to be adjusting to the realities of the presidency, governing in a more typical way than when he started.

That was the conclusion of a panel of experts asked by The Upshot to rate 28 major news events in the administration’s first 100 days for importance and normality. The survey – of 13 experts across the ideological spectrum, who have served in government or studied the way governments work – was a follow-up to one we conducted after President Trump’s first month. At that time, they said that more often than not, the administration’s actions had been both highly unusual and highly consequential. In recent months, the experts said, the administration’s actions were slightly more normal and somewhat less consequential.

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