Selected Publications

Political Behavior

Trexler, A; Johnston, CD

The terms ‘liberal’ and ‘conservative’ are prominent features of political discourse in the United States, and many citizens choose to identify with one of these ideological labels. Yet, many citizens do not fit comfortably in either of these categories, and comparatively little is known about the… read more about this publication »

AIDS and behavior

Maragh-Bass, AC; Siegler, AJ; Mayer, KH; Dulin, A; Sales, J; Stegmueller, D

PrEP stigma measurement remains a challenge to the validity of studies and interventions addressing HIV prevention. It may lead to inaccurate assessment of the relationship between PrEP stigma and health outcomes such as PrEP persistence and care retention in groups experiencing HIV-related… read more about this publication »

Perspectives on Politics

Lacombe, MJ; Simonson, MD; Green, J; Druckman, JN

Gun ownership is a highly consequential political behavior. It often signifies a belief about the inadequacy of state-provided security and leads to membership in a powerful political constituency. As a result, it is important to understand why people buy guns and how shifting purchasing patterns… read more about this publication »

American Political Science Review

Kirshner, AS; Spinner-Halev, J

Political philosophers and theorists make arguments about high-stakes problems. This article shows that those theories would be more credible if political philosophers ensured their work was robust: capable of withstanding reasonable changes to their assumptions and to the cases to which their… read more about this publication »

Journal of Politics

Becher, M; Longuet-Marx, N; Pons, V; Brouard, S; Foucault, M; Galasso, V; Kerrouche, E; Alfonso, SL; Stegmueller, D

Crises of the magnitude of the COVID-19 pandemic may plausibly affect deep-seated attitudes of a large fraction of citizens. In particular, outcome-oriented theories imply that leaders’ performance in response to such adverse events shapes people’s views about the government and about democracy. To… read more about this publication »

Political Research Quarterly

Simonson, MD; Lacombe, MJ; Green, J; Druckman, JN

The last decade has given rise to substantial concern about democratic backsliding in the U.S. Manifestations include decreased trust in government, conspiratorial beliefs, contentious protests, and support for political violence. Surprisingly, prior work has not explored how these attitudes and… read more about this publication »

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

Bail, CA

Generative AI that can produce realistic text, images, and other human-like outputs is currently transforming many different industries. Yet it is not yet known how such tools might influence social science research. I argue Generative AI has the potential to improve survey research, online… read more about this publication »

Science advances

Kapoor, S; Cantrell, EM; Peng, K; Pham, TH; Bail, CA; Gundersen, OE; Hofman, JM; Hullman, J; Lones, MA; Malik, MM; Nanayakkara, P; Poldrack, RA; Raji, ID; Roberts, M; Salganik, MJ; Serra-Garcia, M; Stewart, BM; Vandewiele, G; Narayanan, A

Machine learning (ML) methods are proliferating in scientific research. However, the adoption of these methods has been accompanied by failures of validity, reproducibility, and generalizability. These failures can hinder scientific progress, lead to false consensus around invalid claims, and… read more about this publication »

British Journal of Political Science

Becher, M; Brouard, S; Stegmueller, D

When do cross-national comparisons enable citizens to hold governments accountable? According to recent work in comparative politics, benchmarking across borders is a powerful mechanism for making elections work. However, little attention has been paid to the choice of benchmarks and how they shape… read more about this publication »

Journal of Politics

Araújo, V; Arretche, M; Beramendi, P

This article analyzes the conditions under which major infrastructural investments generate electoral returns. It addresses when and how the constraints imposed by myopic voters under democracy can be overcome. We argue that sustained policy spillovers are critical to broadening the pool of… read more about this publication »