Approximately one third of our majors and minors participate in global education and take political science courses while abroad. Our students have participated in programs throughout the world. Some of these countries include Spain, France, Italy, Australia, South Africa, Argentina, and Egypt.
Visit the Global Education website for specific information about the programs available to Duke students.
Course Approval
Please contact Tosha Marshall, Undergraduate Program Coordinator, at, for approval of any study abroad courses. The course approval form can be found on the Global Education website. The course approval form and a course description will be needed for each course that is seeking approval.
The Global Education website also has a list of courses that have been approved. Please refer to the database to see if a course has already been approved by the Political Science Department. Some courses in the database have been approved as POLSCI 200 or POLSCI 300. (The "200" determines that the course is an introductory course and counts as a 100 level course; the "300" determines that the course is a 200-300 level course.)