Normative Political Theory & Philosophy

This field interprets, critiques, and constructs philosophical conceptions and arguments concerning morally appropriate and prudent standards and purposes for political actors and regimes. Topics include historically influential theories, the genealogy of political ideas, democratic theory, and contemporary theories of legitimacy, identity, ethics, the good society, and social justice.

First Field

  • 6 courses selected from the Normative Political Theory and Political Philosophy listing

Students work with the Field Director to develop an individualized curriculum, and will generally take all the Normative Political Theory and Political Philosophy courses over a period of three years. There are also designated courses that count among the theory courses, courses in the law school, courses in religious studies, psychology and other departments.

Qualifying Procedure

You will take a written and oral exam no later than September 30 of the third year of your graduate study. The written and oral examinations will assess whether or not you have attained a firm command of the literature in this field.

Preliminary examination

All students must complete a preliminary examination at the end of their second year which consists of a second year paper and an oral defense. The second year paper must be submitted to the student’s preliminary exam committee and the DGS by May 1st and the oral examination must be completed by May 15th. Students should speak with the field chair and their primary advisor(s) well in advance of these deadlines to ensure a shared understanding of what is expected.

Second Field

  • 4 courses selected from the Normative Political Theory and Political Philosophy listing

Field Requirements


Participate in the workshop for post-prelim students focused on writing academic articles.

Number Title Codes
POLSCI 120 The Challenges of Living an Ethical Life EI, CZ
POLSCI 120D The Challenges of Living an Ethical Life EI, CZ
POLSCI 150FS Citizenship, Patriotism, & Identity EI, CZ, SS
POLSCI 175 Introduction to Political Philosophy EI, SS
POLSCI 175D Introduction to Political Philosophy EI, SS
POLSCI 175FS Freedom and Responsibility EI, W, SS
POLSCI 180S Hierarchy and Spontaneous Order: The Nature of Freedom in Political and Economic Organizations (C-N) EI, W, SS
POLSCI 185FS The Politics of Language SS
POLSCI 188FS American Perspectives on Citizenship EI, SS
POLSCI 195FS Freedom and Moral Obligation EI, W, CZ
POLSCI 206 American Values, Institutions, and Culture CCI, SS
POLSCI 210 Conservatism EI, W, CZ
POLSCI 244S Activism & Christianity in Modern America CCI, EI, W, CZ
POLSCI 247S Liberalism and its Critics EI, CZ
POLSCI 252 Life Within Capitalism: A History of its Values, Measures and Struggles EI, CZ
POLSCI 256S Contemporary Nationalism and Classical Political Theory EI, W, CZ, SS
POLSCI 264S Democratic Erosion SS
POLSCI 265S Introduction to American Political Thought EI, SS
POLSCI 267 Religion and Politics in American History CCI, EI, CZ
POLSCI 268 Politics and Literature EI, ALP, SS
POLSCI 270 Ambition and Politics CCI, EI, W, CZ, SS
POLSCI 272 Human Rights in Theory and Practice CCI, EI, CZ, SS
POLSCI 274S Race and Society: South Africa and the US, 1890-present CCI, EI, CZ, SS
POLSCI 275 Left, Right, and Center: Competing Political Ideals CCI, EI, SS
POLSCI 275S Left, Right, and Center: Competing Political Ideals CCI, EI, SS
POLSCI 277D The Ethics of War: Self-Defense, Humanitarian Intervention, Terrorism and Law EI, SS
POLSCI 288S Transformative Ideas: Power, Theater, and Politics CCI, ALP
POLSCI 290 Special Topics in Political Science
POLSCI 290S Special Topics in Political Science
POLSCI 291-1 Sophomore/Junior Independent Study Political Theory
POLSCI 297A Political Philosophy of Globalization CCI, EI, CZ, SS
POLSCI 302 Constitutional Law in the American Political Tradition EI, CZ, SS
POLSCI 331 Prisoner's Dilemma and Distributive Justice EI, SS
POLSCI 340D The Modern Regulatory State EI, R, CZ, SS
POLSCI 355S Michel Foucault and Theories of Power CCI, ALP
POLSCI 371 Marxism and Society EI, CZ, SS
POLSCI 378 Marx, Nietzsche, Freud CCI, CZ, SS
POLSCI 380 Ancient Athenian Law CCI, CZ
POLSCI 381 Ancient Roman Law CCI, CZ
POLSCI 383 Gender and Political Theory CCI, SS
POLSCI 384 Inequality in Western Political Thought CCI, EI, CZ, SS
POLSCI 390-1 Special Topics in Political Theory
POLSCI 390S-1 Special Topics in Political Theory
POLSCI 391-1 Senior Independent Study in Political Theory
POLSCI 393-1 Sophomore/Junior Research Independent Study Political Theory R
POLSCI 449S Politics, Philosophy, and Economics Capstone R, SS
POLSCI 483 What Machiavelli Really Says EI, R, ALP, CZ
POLSCI 493-1 Senior Research Independent Study Political Theory R
POLSCI 570 Frankfurt School Critical Theory EI, CZ
POLSCI 574S Dissent, Disobedience and Revolution R, SS
POLSCI 575S Ancient Political Philosophy CCI, EI, SS
POLSCI 577S Nietzsche's Political Philosophy EI, CZ, SS
POLSCI 578S Contemporary Theories of Democracy EI, SS
POLSCI 579S Topics in Early Modern Political Thought from Machiavelli to Mills CCI, R, SS
POLSCI 582S Contemporary Ethical Theories EI, CZ, SS
POLSCI 585S Adversarial Ethics EI, SS
POLSCI 590-1 Intermediate Topics in Political Theory
POLSCI 676S Hegel's Political Philosophy EI, R, SS
POLSCI 681S Law and Philosophy EI, CZ, SS
POLSCI 683S Theology and Political Philosophy CCI, EI
POLSCI 684S Republicanism CCI, EI, CZ, SS
POLSCI 685S Social Contract Theory EI, SS
POLSCI 686S Injustice, Domination and Exploitation EI, CZ, SS
POLSCI 687S Classics of Political Economy EI, R, CZ, SS
POLSCI 690-1 Advanced Topics in Political Theory
POLSCI 690S-1 Advanced Topics in Political Theory
POLSCI 708 Democracy and the Rule of Law
POLSCI 890-1 Political Theory
POLSCI 890S-14 Research Seminar in Cultural History