Security, Peace & Conflict

This field is dedicated to the study of political violence – armed conflict both within and across state borders – and to the study of politics in the shadow of violence. We seek to understand the causes of armed conflict and violence, the conduct and consequences of the use of violence and coercion by state and non-state actors, and the conditions under which the peace and security of states, societies, groups and individuals can be protected. Toward these ends, we examine the policies and strategies used by states and other political agents – both domestic and international – to control, manage, contain or prevent the use of political violence.

First Field

  • POLSCI 760S Core in Security, Peace and Conflict
  • POLSCI 763S Foundational Scholarship in IR
  • 2 courses selected from the Security, Peace & Conflict course listing 
    • 1 of the 2 courses must focus primarily on security, peace and conflict between or among international actors
    • 1 of the 2 courses must focus primarily on security, peace and conflict between international actors and subnational or transnational actors, or among subnational and transnational actors
Preliminary examination

All students must complete a preliminary examination at the end of their second year which consists of a second year paper and an oral defense. The second year paper must be submitted to the student’s preliminary exam committee and the DGS by May 1st and the oral examination must be completed by May 15th. Students should speak with the field chair and their primary advisor(s) well in advance of these deadlines to ensure a shared understanding of what is expected.

Second Field

  • POLSCI 760S Core in Security, Peace and Conflict
  • 3 courses selected from the Security, Peace & Conflict course listing
    • At least 1 of the 3 courses must focus primarily on security, peace and conflict between or among international actors
    • At least 1 of the 3 courses must focus primarily on security, peace and conflict between international actors and subnational or transnational actors, or among subnational and transnational actors
Number Title Codes Notes
POLSCI 110 Critical Approaches to Global Issues CCI, W, CZ, SS
POLSCI 159 Israel/Palestine: Comparative Approaches to Rights and Justice CCI, EI, SS
POLSCI 160D Introduction to International Relations CCI, SS
POLSCI 175 Introduction to Political Philosophy EI, SS
POLSCI 175D Introduction to Political Philosophy EI, SS
POLSCI 176FS Human Rights and World Politics EI, SS
POLSCI 215 The United States and the World, 1898 to the Present CCI, EI, CZ, SS
POLSCI 228 Politics of Authoritarian Regimes CCI, R, SS
POLSCI 232 Politics of Terrorism CCI, SS
POLSCI 233 Nuclear Weapons: US Foreign Policy and the Challenges of Global Proliferation STS, SS
POLSCI 237 Religion and Foreign Policy CCI, EI, CZ, SS
POLSCI 254S The US Intelligence Enterprise EI, SS
POLSCI 259 Russia in the World: From Cold War to Putin's Wars CCI, CZ, SS
POLSCI 262 The Holocaust CCI, EI, STS, CZ
POLSCI 277D The Ethics of War: Self-Defense, Humanitarian Intervention, Terrorism and Law EI, SS
POLSCI 290 Special Topics in Political Science
POLSCI 290S Special Topics in Political Science
POLSCI 291-3 Sophomore/Junior Independent Study Security Peace and Conflict
POLSCI 294A Political Economy of Immigration CCI, SS
POLSCI 297A Political Philosophy of Globalization CCI, EI, CZ, SS
POLSCI 317 Global Corruption CCI, SS
POLSCI 321 International Law and International Institutions CCI, R, W, SS
POLSCI 322 Introduction to Middle East Politics CCI, EI, CZ, SS
POLSCI 324S Chinese Politics CCI, SS
POLSCI 328 Statecraft and Strategy CCI, CZ, SS
POLSCI 329S Politics in Violence R, W, SS
POLSCI 334 How to Rule the World: Empire and Global Governance from Greece to America CCI, EI, W, CZ
POLSCI 352S U.S. Policy in the Middle East CCI, EI, SS
POLSCI 357S Refugee Policy and Practice (DukeImmerse) CCI, EI, QS, SS
POLSCI 359S Social Engineering and Social Movements in Eastern Europe and Asia CCI, EI, CZ, SS
POLSCI 361 Political and Criminal Armed Groups CCI, SS
POLSCI 362 International Security EI, STS, SS
POLSCI 364 Political Violence, Repression, and Organized Crime CCI, SS
POLSCI 365D Foreign Policy of the United States CCI, SS
POLSCI 367DS Environment and Conflict: The Role of the Environment in Conflict and Peacebuilding CCI, EI, W, SS
POLSCI 367S Environment and Conflict: The Role of the Environment in Conflict and Peacebuilding CCI, EI, W, SS
POLSCI 375 News as a Moral Battleground EI, R, W, SS
POLSCI 390-3 Special Topics in Security, Peace and Conflict
POLSCI 390S-3 Special Topics in Security, Peace and Conflict
POLSCI 391-3 Senior Independent Study in Security, Peace and Conflict
POLSCI 393-3 Sophomore/Junior Research Independent Study Security Peace and Conflict R
POLSCI 402S Origins of WWI and WWII in Europe R, SS
POLSCI 403D Introduction to Tools of Political Risk Analysis SS
POLSCI 415 U.S-Russia Relations: 1991-2016 CCI, SS
POLSCI 425 Global Inequality Research CCI, R, ALP, SS
POLSCI 425S Global Inequality Research Seminar CCI, R, SS
POLSCI 427S World in Your Hand R, QS, SS
POLSCI 428S International Conflict Resolution W, SS
POLSCI 456S Chinese Culture and Ideology in the 20th Century and Now CCI, ALP, SS
POLSCI 493-3 Senior Research Independent Study in Security, Peace and Conflict R
POLSCI 497S Capstone Seminar: Latin American Left Turns: A New Politics for the 21st Century? CCI, R, W, CZ, SS
POLSCI 528S Peace and Conflict Processes R, W, SS
POLSCI 547 Politics of United States Foreign Policy EI, R, SS
POLSCI 562S American Grand Strategy R, W, CZ, SS
POLSCI 564S Intelligence for National Security EI, SS
POLSCI 590-3 Intermediate Topics in Security, Peace, and Conflict
POLSCI 590S-3 Intermediate Topics in Security, Peace and Conflict
POLSCI 599S Political Economy of Conflict, Development, and Peacebuilding in Africa and the Middle East CCI, SS This Course will Count as a Capstone for Political Economy
POLSCI 642 Global Inequality Research CCI, R, SS
POLSCI 650S Political Economy of International Relations R, SS
POLSCI 652S Repression and State Violence CCI, EI, R, CZ, SS
POLSCI 658S Political Economy of Terrorism SS
POLSCI 659S Civil Wars CCI, EI, R, SS
POLSCI 667S American Civil-Military Relations R, SS
POLSCI 668S Theory and Practice of International Security R, SS
POLSCI 670S Contemporary United States Foreign Policy EI, R, SS
POLSCI 690-3 Advanced Topics in Security, Peace and Conflict
POLSCI 690S-3 Advanced Topics in Security, Peace and Conflict
POLSCI 760S Core in Security, Peace and Conflict (SP)
POLSCI 763S Foundational Scholarship in International Relations
POLSCI 890-3 Security, Peace and Conflict