Serkant Adiguzel, Mateo Villamizar Chaparro, Donald Moratz, and Diego Romero team up with other researchers and projects leads, Jeremy Springman and Erik Wibbels, to launch the Machine Learning for Peace forecasting website, supported and funded by USAID
Michael Munger authors an op ed analysis of inflation and the plan circulating to address it, in the Wall Street Journal
Peter Feaver hosts a conversation with General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, reports Duke Today
Herbert Kitschelt offers commentary on Democratic party cohesion following the 2020 election, in the NYTimes Opinion
Gabriella Levy, Juan Tellez and Mateo Villamizar-Chaparro coauthor an analysis of the previous five years following Colombia's peace deal, for Monkey Cage
Candis Watts Smith and her co-hosts discuss political polarization following an interview with Christopher Bail, an expert on social media polarization, on the podcast Democracy Works
Erik Wibbels leads a team of Duke researchers to study the experiences of migrants sent back to Guatemala, highlighted in Bass ConnectionsAlumni:
Manjusha Kulkarni (T '91), who was recently named as a Time 100 Most Influential People of 2021, is working toward reducing violence against Asian Americans, explained in Duke Magazine
Peter Feaver coauthors "Masters and Commanders: Are Civil-Military Relations in Crisis?" for Foreign Affairs
Paula McClain remembers the life of geographer Harold Rose and his generous mentorship through the years, for The History Makers
Candis Watts Smith is profiled in a new series highlighting recently hired faculty, in Duke Stories
Peter Feaver joins Duke alum David Priess (PhD '00) to discuss new reports of controversial actions by Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley, on the Lawfare Podcast
Kerry Haynie's participation in a panel discussion with the lead prosecutor in the Derek Chauvin trial is part of a new summary of this important prosecution, for the Duke Research Blog
Paula McClain commends Victoria DeFrancesco Soto (PhD '07) for her new position as Dean of the University of Texas Arkansas Clinton School of Public Service, in the Arkansas Democrat Gazette
Michael Munger's newest column, "Test of Time: The Most Important Failure of US Covid Response," is available on AIER
Rachel Myrick's research showing little evidence that external threats reduce polarization helps frame an article about the foreign policy approach toward China that both Trump and Biden take, for FiveThirtyEight
Candis Watts Smith interviews her coauthor, Rebecca Kreitzer, in an extended discussion on the politics and policy of abortion, on the Democracy Works podcast
Somia Youssef's project leadership in Bass Connections has helped propel the launch of the Duke Space Initiative, highlighted on the Duke Research Blog and WRAL TechWireAlumni:
Kerry Haynie becomes the 17th Department Chair in the 87 year history of the department at Duke, on Duke Political Science
Kerry Haynie, Professor of Political Science, began his term in 2021 as the 17th chair in the department's 87 year history.
Ashley Jardina's book, White Identity Politics, helps frame an analysis of white racial grievances and Trump's effectiveness, in FiveThirtyEight
Chris Johnston's book Curbing the Court, is highlighted as "an impressive statement challenging decades of scholars' assumptions," in a book review for the APSA's Law and Politics Book Review
Candis Watts Smith's TEDx Talk, 3 Myths about Racism that Keep the U.S. from Progress, was republished as an official TED Talk
Matthew Ralph (T '22) served a summer in the Tech for Equity program that helps connect students with non-profits that need help coding, highlighted in Duke Pratt News
John Aldrich explains how bipartisanship may emerge around an infrastructure bill for the U.S. Congress, in The NYTimes
Curtis Braum writes op ed about new research that explains ways that politicians nudge conspiracy theories, in Monkey Cage
Peter Feaver explains how important it is for the military to be impartial for the sake of civil-military relations, in Task & Purpose
Mathew McCubbins, professor of political science and law, died on July 1, 2021, and an outpouring of affection was recorded online, in obituaries from Duke Political Science, Duke Law School, and the Duke Chronicle
Michael Munger grounds a defense of campus safe spaces in a freedom of association that is at the core of academic freedom, writing for The James G. Martin Center, this argument was spotlighted in, The Corner," on theNational Review
Michael Ward at his retirement celebration among friends
Peter Feaver comments on the recent eruption of culture wars in the U.S. House hearing that spotlighted critical race theory, for The Hill
Abdeslam Maghraoui remarks on the fragility of the independent press under Moroccan monarchy, for The NYTimes
Abdeslam Maghraoui presents his research on autocratic Arab monarchies
Edmund Malesky discusses how the changes in Vietnam's compliance efforts will impact transfer pricing, on The Fiona Show podcast
Michael Munger pours cold water on proposals for comprehensive national electoral reform, in The Economist
Rachel Myrick guest authors an analysis of political polarization and ways that U.S. credibility is at stake in foreign policy and diplomacy, for Foreign Affairs
Rachel Myrick guest authors an analysis of bipartisanship questions around foreign, external threats, for Monkey Cage
Jenna Smith (T ' 25) is named a Wells Fargo Scholar as part of the Point Foundation's new Point Flagship Scholars program highlighting LGBTQ academic achievement, reports Yahoo! finance
Alexis Williamson (T '23) offers comments on the television advertisement, "Jake, from State Farm," for The UndefeatedAlumni:
Gerardo A. Párraga (T' 18) is nominated for the Duke University Board of Trustees by the Graduate/Professional Young Trustee Nominating Committee, reports Duke Today
John Aldrich, Kerry Haynie, and Ashley Jardina will serve on a new panel project, "Reckoning with Race, Racism & the History of the American South," on behalf of Duke Faculty Advancement
Pawel Charasz and Jan Vogler (Ph.D. '19) coauthor a guest blog following their new research that asks the question, "can European Union structural funds increase local state capacity and promote democratization?" for LSE
Edgar Cook and Leann McLaren are selected as the first 12 peer mentoring fellows for a new Trinity College Arts & Science program, on Trinity College
Kerry Haynie's tenure as Academic Council Chair ends with colleagues offering reflections on his two years of service, reports Duke Today
William "Bill" Robertson Keech professor emeritus of political economy, died on May 20, 2021, and an outpouring of affection was recorded online, in obituaries from Duke Political Science and Carnegie Mellon University
Peter Lange offers comments on new research that asks the question, "do senior faculty publish as much as their younger colleagues?" for EurekAlert!
Edmund Malesky is selected to be a part of a 20-person committee searching for the next Duke Vice President for Research and Innovation, reports Duke Today
Edmund Malesky moderates a panel for a discussion of corporate social responsibility, for the Sanford School
Michael Munger's description of pricing during shortages helps journalists analyze laws about price gouging, in Reason
David Price's new book, The Congressional Experience: An Institution Transformed, is reviewed in WaPo
Ian Burgess (T '19), Emma Campbell-Mohn (T '16), Riyanka Ganguly (T '18), Matthew King (T '18), Amy Kramer (T '18), Connor Phillips (T '17), Sarah Sibley (T '19), and Apara Sivaraman (T '17) join together to share Young Alumni Stories, for the graduating class of 2021, on YouTube
John Aldrich and Michael Gillespie guide a journalist through a discussion of Democratic strategies for gun control, in The National Interest
Pablo Beramendi examines the transmission of elite bias through the U.S. system of representation from 1781 until 1961, in Broadstreet Blog
Pablo Beramendi asks Artur Mas, former President of Catalonia, a question about governance
David Dow, Diego Romero, Juan Tellez (PhD '19), Mateo Villamizar Chaparro, Erik Wibbels and more DevLab affiliates follow their new report with "4 things the Biden Administration should pay attention to with the border crisis," as a follow-up to their report, for Brookings
Timur Kuran notes that turmoil in Turkish politics has created poor conditions for musicians, academics, journalists, and novelists, on NPR All Things Considered
Eddy Malesky continues his role as principal investigator on the Provincial Competitiveness Index, reports the Duke Center for International Development
Richard Salsman addresses the question, "Is there evidence today of forthcoming higher inflation in the U.S.?" in his newest writing, for AIER
Erik Wibbels and his coauthors who produced recent findings on deportation are brought together into a new set of studies on immigration, for Duke TodayAlumni:
Gerardo Párraga (T '18) has been officially nominated as a Duke Young Trustee to represent the graduate student body, reports Duke Chronicle
Adam Silver (T '84) refers to his time as a political science student at Duke in a discussion about the soft power that basketball has played in the diplomatic relationship between the U.S. and China, for NBC Sports
John Aldrich offers analysis of the politics of the recent coronavirus relief package, in Newsweek
Mateo Villamizar Chaparro, David Dow, Juan Tellez (PhD ’19), and Erik Wibbels report their findings of the experiences of immigrants deported to Guatemala, in Monkey Cage
Mateo Villamizar-Chaparro, Erik Wibbels, and Jeremy Lebow report findings from surveys of Guatemalan deportees, as one of the first systematic efforts to understand the barriers to labor market integration for a forcibly returned migrant population, in Vox.LACEA
Peter Feaver joins a panel to discuss national security infrastructure and how to improve civil-military relationships, as part of new video series from Duke called Beyond Talking Points
Peter Feaver pauses to listen to students discuss military strategy, in Morocco. 2019.
Ashley Jardina helps frame an article on how white Americans have avoided having difficult conversations about race, in an interview for The Associated Press and republished in more than a handful of locations, including U.S. News & World Report and the NY Post
Ashley Jardina, Alex Kirshner, Ian MacMullen, and Eddy Malesky share how students’ experience their political science coursework in light of the turmoil and challenges in recent U.S. politics, in Duke Today
Christopher Johnston’s coauthored book, Open and Closed, helps guide an analysis of how the party affiliation of white college-educated suburbanites informs their policy preferences, in Vox
Scott de Marchi doubts Donald Trump’s ability to stay viable for a 2024 candidacy, in The National Interest
Michael Munger discusses self-interest, desires, and morality in a new EconTalk podcast
Michael Munger offers comments on the challenges posed by teaching during the pandemic, for Duke Chronicle
Michael Munger was called to testify before the N.C. House Committee on Regulatory Reform, in records from the North Carolina General AssemblyAlumni:
Isabel Ivanescu (T ‘20) coauthors her first op-ed about the recent U.S. airstrikes in Syria, for The National Interest
Spencer Kaplan (T ’21) won a U.S.-China Student Challenge, alongside teammates, on the topic of how to reset the countries’ relationship, reports Sanford School
Cindy Jebb (PhD ’97), currently a Dean at West Point, has accepted the position as the next president of Ramapo College, reports Insider NJ and Ramapo College
Brendan Nyhan (PhD ’09) and Jason Reiter (PhD ’06) et al. report their findings of trends of access and exposure to extremism on YouTube for the Anti-Defamation League and a follow-up in WaPo
Michael Rothenberg (T ’21) is an honorary selection for the ACC’s Postgraduate Scholarship Award, reports GoDuke
Nura Sediqe (PhD ‘19) presented her recent research, drawing on original fielded surveys of 1,00 Muslims in the U.S., for the Duke Islamic Studies Center
John Aldrich takes note of demographic trends in N.C. in light of election outcomes in Georgia for comments on Lara Trump’s political viability, for The National Interest
Peter Feaver’s advocacy for faculty is noted in Kornbluth’s remarks in an Academic Council meeting, reports the Duke Chronicle
Adriane Fresh presents her research, “Political Representation in the Era of Britain’s Expanding Overseas Trade,” in a GRIPE seminar webcast
Sunshine Hillygus’s participation in Duke’s first Research Week is highlighted in Duke Today and her talk is available on Warpwire
Zeren Li receives a profile for his APSA Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant, on Political Science Now
Edmund Malesky’s newest writing outlines why Myanmar citizens are risking their lives to preserve democracy, for Brookings
Scott de Marchi offers initial reaction to the presidential prospects of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, for Patheos
Paula McClain and Kerry Haynie help steer a conversation surveying the political challenges that the Biden Administration is facing in its first year, reports the Duke Chronicle
Timothy McDade writes an op-ed about the recent volatility of Gamestop’s stock, for Duke Medium
Tim McDade interviews Walter Molano (Ph.D. ’95) as part of the Alumni Profile Series, for Duke Graduate School
Nathan French (T’12) is profiled in a story about career transitioning for aspiring medical school students, for UVA Today
Spencer Kaplan (T’21) will be leading a discussion with the deputy director at the Aerospace Security Project at CSIS, for American Grand Strategy
Bailey Sanders (PhD ’19) coauthors an analysis of female congressional gender differences in legislative responsiveness, for MonkeyCage
John Aldrich sits down for a Q&A about the election process, for Duke Magazine
John Aldrich helps shapes the answer to the question, “is the Republican Party still Trump’s party?” in an interview for The National Interest
John Aldrich and Sunshine Hillygus organized the “Future of Survey Research Conference, with support from the National Science Foundation
John Aldrich, Sunshine Hillygus, Ashley Jardina, and Edmund Malesky participated with colleagues in a panel offering insights into the North Carolina election and social justice in light of recent national political events, for Oxfam
Peter Feaver coauthors an analysis of the historical, institutional, and societal context of the civil-military challenges that Biden will inherit, for War on the Rocks
Peter Feaver joins colleagues to discuss the aftermath of the Capitol riot, reported in Duke Today and filmed as part of the Duke Media Briefing Series, he also offers comments on the delicate work senior US military official must do in preparation for inauguration, inWaPo
Peter Feaver pens two op-eds that survey questions surrounding the preparedness of the military for the Capitol riots and the lessons to be learned, in the Military Times and in Foreign Policy
Ashley Jardina was cited in Business Insider, and she is quoted extensively in “Why the Suburbs Have Shifted Blue,” for FiveThirtyEight
Ashley Jardina joins Duke colleagues in reflecting on the dangers of white supremacy, in Duke Today, and “she goes further than any scholar to-date in documenting the causes and consequences of white identity,” in citations that anchor an analysis of the insurrection, for FiveThirtyEight. FiveThirtyEight also cites her research in the 538 Politics Podcast, the 538 Politics Chat, and she appears in interviews discussing split-ticket voting for FiveThirtyEight. Her research into white identity is said to be a resource influencing Sisters in Hate, reviewed in Vox
Ashley Jardina’s book, White Identity Politics, continues to garner acclaim, including a review from the English version of Shanghai Daily’s SHINE, and recommendation by NYTimes best-selling author, Ijeoma Oluo, for a shortlist of books suggested to understand America’s current political moment, in an interview for the NYTimes
Eric Kim reflects on how AI and machine learning can inform policy problems, in an interview about Winter Breakaway for Duke Today
Alexander Kirshner joins Duke colleagues in a discussion about the politics and process of removing Trump from office, in Duke Todayand filmed as part of the Duke Media Briefing Series. His analysis from the panel is reported in NC Policy Watch. He briefly outlines democratic safeguards like the right of participation, in a filmed interview for Spectrum News 1
Timur Kuran’s theory of preference falsification is described as “brilliantly elaborated” by Cass Sunstein in a writeup about the Capitol riots, for Bloomberg Opinion
Edmund Malesky, Dean Dulay (PhD ’20), and Ville Peltovuori surveyed 5,605 business for the Myanmar Business Environment Index 2020, published by The Asia Foundation
Edmund Malesky addresses government officials and aid practitioners in Myanmar for the Myanmar Business Environment Index 2020, in a launch presentation video
Edmund Malesky guides financial news anchors through a discussion about the danger Trump’s electoral fraud lie poses to, among other things, investor confidence, on Yahoo Finance
Paula McClain co-signs an expanded statement condemning the violent insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, for APSA, and she reflects on the fragility of democracy in an interview for PBS Newshour
Patrick Ramjug investigates new U.S. House rules package reforms, for
Richard Salsman argues that multiple fields of science can inform COVID-19 policy recommendation, in AIER
Jacob Smith looks at 112 districts in his newest writing, “Black candidates can win in swing districts,” for The ConversationAlumni:
Niambi Carter (PhD '07) outlines the strengths Kamala Harris will have as a powerful VP, for WaPo Perspective
Eoin Gronningsater (T ’20) has been awarded the Go Teach Dr Pepper Tuition Giveaway as a student-athlete pursuing a career in education, reports Go Duke
Michael Ivory Jr. (T ’18) remembers his time as a student, and Duke’s recent initiatives in light of campus history, in an article about anti-racism for Duke Magazine