Political Economy

Number Title Codes Notes
POLSCI 20 American Government and Politics
POLSCI 21 Comparative Government and Politics
POLSCI 89S First-Year Seminar
POLSCI 90S Special Topics in Political Science
POLSCI 101 Introduction to Political Science SS
POLSCI 102 The Science of Politics SS
POLSCI 105S The Documentary Experience: A Video Approach R, ALP, SS
POLSCI 107 Intro to Comparative Politics: How to Compare the Incomparable CCI, SS
POLSCI 108 Introduction to African Studies (DS3 or DS4) CCI, ALP, CZ
POLSCI 110 Critical Approaches to Global Issues CCI, W, CZ, SS
POLSCI 114 From Voting to Protests: Introduction to Political Attitudes, Groups and Behaviors CCI, SS
POLSCI 116D Introduction to American Politics SS
POLSCI 120 The Challenges of Living an Ethical Life EI, CZ
POLSCI 120D The Challenges of Living an Ethical Life EI, CZ
POLSCI 125D Introduction to Global Development: Politics, Policy and Practice CCI, SS
POLSCI 128 Climate Change: A Political Economy Perspective STS, SS
POLSCI 140S Empires in Modern European History CCI, CZ, SS
POLSCI 145 Introduction to Political Economy EI, SS
POLSCI 145D Introduction to Political Economy EI, SS
POLSCI 146 Politics and Economics SS
POLSCI 150FS Citizenship, Patriotism, & Identity EI, CZ, SS
POLSCI 159 Israel/Palestine: Comparative Approaches to Rights and Justice CCI, EI, SS
POLSCI 160D Introduction to International Relations CCI, SS
POLSCI 164S Gateway Seminar - Antisemitism: Ethnicity, Race, Religion, Culture CCI, EI, R, CZ, SS
POLSCI 168S International Conflict Resolution
POLSCI 172FS Racial Attitudes and Racial Politics in the United States CCI, EI, SS
POLSCI 175 Introduction to Political Philosophy EI, SS
POLSCI 175D Introduction to Political Philosophy EI, SS
POLSCI 175FS Freedom and Responsibility EI, W, SS
POLSCI 176FS Human Rights and World Politics EI, SS
POLSCI 177FS 9/11 And After: The World We've Inherited and The Quest to Make A Difference CCI, EI, CZ
POLSCI 180S Hierarchy and Spontaneous Order: The Nature of Freedom in Political and Economic Organizations (C-N) EI, W, SS
POLSCI 185FS The Politics of Language SS
POLSCI 186 Women and Gender in the Middle East CCI, EI, CZ
POLSCI 186FS Games and Culture: Gateway to the Study of Games CCI, SS
POLSCI 188FS American Perspectives on Citizenship EI, SS
POLSCI 189FS Introduction to Machine Learning and Computational Models in the Social Sciences R, SS
POLSCI 190 Special Topics in Political Science
POLSCI 190FS Special Topics in the Focus Program
POLSCI 190S Special Topics in Political Science
POLSCI 190S-1 Special Topics in Political Science
POLSCI 195FS Freedom and Moral Obligation EI, W, CZ
POLSCI 201 Public Opinion EI, SS
POLSCI 202 Political Parties in Competition. Left, Right and Beyond. CCI, SS
POLSCI 203 Women and the Political Process R, SS
POLSCI 204 9/11 and Its Aftermath: How Bin Laden Changed America and the World EI, CZ, SS
POLSCI 205 Introduction to Racial and Ethnic Minorities in American Politics CCI, SS
POLSCI 206 American Values, Institutions, and Culture CCI, SS
POLSCI 208 How to Think in an Age of Political Polarization EI, W, CZ
POLSCI 209S Ecology and the Human Good: Sustainability, Community, Nature, and Belonging EI, STS, CZ
POLSCI 210 Conservatism EI, W, CZ
POLSCI 213 Introduction to Engaged Citizenship and Social Change CCI, EI, CZ, SS
POLSCI 213S Introduction to Engaged Citizenship and Social Change (Gateway Course) CCI, EI, CZ, SS
POLSCI 215 The United States and the World, 1898 to the Present CCI, EI, CZ, SS
POLSCI 216 Film, Race and Politics CZ, SS
POLSCI 217 Discovering Game Theory: Social Complexity and Strategic Interdependence QS, SS
POLSCI 218 Men and Women: Theory, Politics, and Life Together W, CZ
POLSCI 221S South African Past and Present CCI, EI, CZ, SS
POLSCI 224 Inequality and Politics SS
POLSCI 228 Politics of Authoritarian Regimes CCI, R, SS
POLSCI 229S Institutions and Self Governance R, SS
POLSCI 232 Politics of Terrorism CCI, SS
POLSCI 233 Nuclear Weapons: US Foreign Policy and the Challenges of Global Proliferation STS, SS
POLSCI 235S Comparative Urban Politics and Policymaking CCI, EI, SS
POLSCI 236S Advanced Research Seminar in Urban Politics and Policymaking CCI, R, W, SS
POLSCI 237 Religion and Foreign Policy CCI, EI, CZ, SS
POLSCI 238 Racial Attitudes, Racial Prejudice, and Racial Politics CCI, EI, SS
POLSCI 239S Political Communication in a Changing Media Environment R, SS
POLSCI 240D Political Psychology CCI, SS
POLSCI 240SA Theory and Practice: People, Places and Policy Cases SS
POLSCI 241SA Whose Democracy? Participation and Public Policy in the United States SS
POLSCI 242 Campaigns and Elections SS
POLSCI 244S Activism & Christianity in Modern America CCI, EI, W, CZ
POLSCI 245 American Constitutional Development and Interpretation I: The Constitutional Structure EI, SS
POLSCI 246 American Constitutional Development and Interpretation II: Individual Rights EI, SS
POLSCI 247S Liberalism and its Critics EI, CZ
POLSCI 248 Games and Culture: Gateway to the Study of Games CCI, SS
POLSCI 248S Games and Culture: Gateway to the Study of Games CCI, SS
POLSCI 252 Life Within Capitalism: A History of its Values, Measures and Struggles EI, CZ
POLSCI 253 Christian Ethics and Modern Society EI, W, CZ
POLSCI 253S Christian Ethics and Modern Society EI, W, CZ
POLSCI 254S The US Intelligence Enterprise EI, SS
POLSCI 256S Contemporary Nationalism and Classical Political Theory EI, W, CZ, SS
POLSCI 257 Latin American Wars of Independence CCI, CZ, SS
POLSCI 258D From Machine Learning to Ethnography: Puzzles and Approaches to International Development CCI, SS
POLSCI 259 Russia in the World: From Cold War to Putin's Wars CCI, CZ, SS
POLSCI 260SA Frontier City Berlin: Facing History's Great Challenges CCI, CZ
POLSCI 262 The Holocaust CCI, EI, STS, CZ
POLSCI 263 The Political History of Modern Architecture: From Revolution through Neoliberalism CCI, ALP, CZ
POLSCI 264S Democratic Erosion SS
POLSCI 265S Introduction to American Political Thought EI, SS
POLSCI 267 Religion and Politics in American History CCI, EI, CZ
POLSCI 268 Politics and Literature EI, ALP, SS
POLSCI 270 Ambition and Politics CCI, EI, W, CZ, SS
POLSCI 271SA Politics of the European Union
POLSCI 272 Human Rights in Theory and Practice CCI, EI, CZ, SS
POLSCI 273 The Middle East Through Film CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
POLSCI 274S Race and Society: South Africa and the US, 1890-present CCI, EI, CZ, SS
POLSCI 275 Left, Right, and Center: Competing Political Ideals CCI, EI, SS
POLSCI 275S Left, Right, and Center: Competing Political Ideals CCI, EI, SS
POLSCI 276 Contemporary Documentary Film: Filmmakers and the Full Frame Documentary Film Festival CCI, STS, ALP
POLSCI 277D The Ethics of War: Self-Defense, Humanitarian Intervention, Terrorism and Law EI, SS
POLSCI 279 Professionalization and the Job Search
POLSCI 281T Applied Sociology Research R, SS
POLSCI 282SA Duke Summer Program: Oxford CCI, SS
POLSCI 288S Transformative Ideas: Power, Theater, and Politics CCI, ALP
POLSCI 288SA Political Polarization in Contemporary Western Democracies CCI, CZ, SS
POLSCI 290 Special Topics in Political Science
POLSCI 290A Duke-Administered Study Abroad: Advanced Special Topics in Political Science
POLSCI 290D Special Topics in Political Science
POLSCI 290S Special Topics in Political Science
POLSCI 291-1 Sophomore/Junior Independent Study Political Theory
POLSCI 291-2 Sophomore/Junior Independent Study Political Institutions
POLSCI 291-3 Sophomore/Junior Independent Study Security Peace and Conflict
POLSCI 291-4 Sophomore/Junior Independent Study Political Behavior and Identities
POLSCI 291-5 Sophomore/Junior Independent Study Political Methodology
POLSCI 291-6 Sophomore/Junior Independent Study Political Economy
POLSCI 292-1 Internship
POLSCI 293A Research Independent Study on Contemporary China R
POLSCI 294A Political Economy of Immigration CCI, SS
POLSCI 297A Political Philosophy of Globalization CCI, EI, CZ, SS
POLSCI 301S Illiberal Nondemocracies: Focus on Eastern Europe and Asia CCI, CZ, SS
POLSCI 302 Constitutional Law in the American Political Tradition EI, CZ, SS
POLSCI 303D Religion, Restrictions, and Violence CCI, EI, CZ
POLSCI 304S The Democratic Mission of American Higher Education EI, R, CZ
POLSCI 305S Black Politics SS
POLSCI 308 Islam and the State: Political Economy of Governance in the Middle East CCI, R, CZ, SS
POLSCI 310 Political Analysis for Public Policy-Making W, SS
POLSCI 313S Social Movements in Age of Globalization CCI, EI, R, CZ, SS
POLSCI 315S Political Economy of Financial Crises SS
POLSCI 317 Global Corruption CCI, SS
POLSCI 318 Congress and the President W, SS
POLSCI 319S US Comparative State Politics CCI, SS
POLSCI 321 International Law and International Institutions CCI, R, W, SS
POLSCI 322 Introduction to Middle East Politics CCI, EI, CZ, SS
POLSCI 323SA Does Elite Philanthropy Serve Democracy? SS
POLSCI 324S Chinese Politics CCI, SS
POLSCI 325 Demystifying Academia: The Hidden Curriculum of Graduate School and the Professoriate CCI, SS
POLSCI 327S The Economic and Political Performance of Civilizations CCI, R, CZ, SS
POLSCI 328 Statecraft and Strategy CCI, CZ, SS
POLSCI 329S Politics in Violence R, W, SS
POLSCI 330 Quantitative Political Inquiry and Evaluation QS, SS
POLSCI 331 Prisoner's Dilemma and Distributive Justice EI, SS
POLSCI 332 Games and Politics QS, SS
POLSCI 333S Democracy and Social Choice CCI, QS, SS
POLSCI 334 How to Rule the World: Empire and Global Governance from Greece to America CCI, EI, W, CZ
POLSCI 335S Economic, Political, and Social Institutions CCI, SS
POLSCI 336S Racial Justice in the 20th Century US and South Africa CCI, R, W, CZ, SS
POLSCI 337S Apartheid South Africa and Struggles for Democracy CCI, EI, R, CZ, SS
POLSCI 338 Political Economy of South East Asia CCI, EI, SS
POLSCI 340 The Modern Regulatory State
POLSCI 340D The Modern Regulatory State EI, R, CZ, SS
POLSCI 341S Business and Human Rights Advocacy Lab EI, R, W
POLSCI 342 Strategy and Politics QS, SS
POLSCI 345 Experimental Political Science R, W, QS, SS
POLSCI 346 Business, Politics, and Economic Growth CCI, SS
POLSCI 348 Global Environmental Politics SS
POLSCI 348D Global Environmental Politics SS
POLSCI 349 Political Economy of Latin America CCI, SS
POLSCI 350 International Political Economy CCI, R, SS
POLSCI 351 Economic History and Modernization of the Islamic Middle East CCI, W, CZ, SS
POLSCI 352S U.S. Policy in the Middle East CCI, EI, SS
POLSCI 353 Globalization of Democracy CCI, SS
POLSCI 355S Michel Foucault and Theories of Power CCI, ALP
POLSCI 356 Comparative Health Care Systems CCI, EI, SS
POLSCI 357S Refugee Policy and Practice (DukeImmerse) CCI, EI, QS, SS
POLSCI 358 Globalization and Public Policy R, SS
POLSCI 359S Social Engineering and Social Movements in Eastern Europe and Asia CCI, EI, CZ, SS
POLSCI 361 Political and Criminal Armed Groups CCI, SS
POLSCI 362 International Security EI, STS, SS
POLSCI 364 Political Violence, Repression, and Organized Crime CCI, SS
POLSCI 365D Foreign Policy of the United States CCI, SS
POLSCI 367DS Environment and Conflict: The Role of the Environment in Conflict and Peacebuilding CCI, EI, W, SS
POLSCI 367S Environment and Conflict: The Role of the Environment in Conflict and Peacebuilding CCI, EI, W, SS
POLSCI 368S Contemporary South Africa CCI, CZ, SS
POLSCI 371 Marxism and Society EI, CZ, SS
POLSCI 372S Sex, Politics and Feminist Philosophy EI, CZ
POLSCI 373 Law and Politics SS
POLSCI 374S Watchdog News and Storytelling: Changing Forms of Accountability Journalism EI, W
POLSCI 375 News as a Moral Battleground EI, R, W, SS
POLSCI 376S Inequality in the United States R, SS
POLSCI 377AS Classical and Contemporary Political Theory EI, SS
POLSCI 378 Marx, Nietzsche, Freud CCI, CZ, SS
POLSCI 379S Religion and Politics in Post-Revolutionary Iran CCI, EI, CZ
POLSCI 380 Ancient Athenian Law CCI, CZ
POLSCI 381 Ancient Roman Law CCI, CZ
POLSCI 382 Violent Jihad in the Twentieth Century - A Global History CCI, CZ
POLSCI 383 Gender and Political Theory CCI, SS
POLSCI 384 Inequality in Western Political Thought CCI, EI, CZ, SS
POLSCI 387 Reimagining the World Together: Why Friendship Matters for Our Future CCI, EI, W, CZ, SS
POLSCI 388 Information, Technology, Ethics and Policy EI, STS, SS
POLSCI 390 Special Topics in Political Science
POLSCI 390-1 Special Topics in Political Theory
POLSCI 390-2 Special Topics in Political Institutions
POLSCI 390-3 Special Topics in Security, Peace and Conflict
POLSCI 390-4 Special Topics in Political Behavior and Identities
POLSCI 390-5 Special Topics in Political Methodology
POLSCI 390-6 Special Topics in Political Economy
POLSCI 390D-6 Special Topics in Political Economy
POLSCI 390S-1 Special Topics in Political Theory
POLSCI 390S-2 Special Topics in Political Institutions
POLSCI 390S-3 Special Topics in Security, Peace and Conflict
POLSCI 390S-4 Special Topics in Political Behavior and Identities
POLSCI 390S-5 Special Topics in Political Methodology
POLSCI 390S-6 Special Topics in Political Economy
POLSCI 391-1 Senior Independent Study in Political Theory
POLSCI 391-2 Senior Independent Study in Political Institutions
POLSCI 391-3 Senior Independent Study in Security, Peace and Conflict
POLSCI 391-4 Senior Independent Study in Political Behavior and Identities
POLSCI 391-5 Senior Independent Study in Political Methodology
POLSCI 391-6 Senior Independent Study in Political Economy
POLSCI 393-1 Sophomore/Junior Research Independent Study Political Theory R
POLSCI 393-2 Sophomore/Junior Research Independent Study Political Institutions R
POLSCI 393-3 Sophomore/Junior Research Independent Study Security Peace and Conflict R
POLSCI 393-4 Sophomore/Junior Research Independent Study Political Behavior and Identities R
POLSCI 393-5 Sophomore/Junior Research Independent Study Political Methodology R
POLSCI 393-6 Sophomore/Junior Research Independent Study Political Economy R
POLSCI 395A Religion, Security and Global Citizenship in the Arab World CCI, EI, CZ
POLSCI 396S Augustine's City of God CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
POLSCI 401S The Adventure of Citizenship: Lives of Civic Engagement EI, CZ
POLSCI 402S Origins of WWI and WWII in Europe R, SS
POLSCI 403D Introduction to Tools of Political Risk Analysis SS
POLSCI 406S South African Life Histories CCI, R, W, CZ
POLSCI 415 U.S-Russia Relations: 1991-2016 CCI, SS
POLSCI 421S Constitutionalism and Crisis: From Catalina's Conspiracy to Covid CCI, SS
POLSCI 425 Global Inequality Research CCI, R, ALP, SS
POLSCI 425S Global Inequality Research Seminar CCI, R, SS
POLSCI 427S World in Your Hand R, QS, SS
POLSCI 428S International Conflict Resolution W, SS
POLSCI 431S Reason and Passion in Politics SS
POLSCI 435S Chinese Media and Popular Culture: Politics, Ideology, and Social Change CCI, SS
POLSCI 441 What is Racism? Understanding racism and its consequences EI, SS
POLSCI 449S Politics, Philosophy, and Economics Capstone R, SS
POLSCI 451S Public Choice and American Politics EI, QS, SS
POLSCI 456S Chinese Culture and Ideology in the 20th Century and Now CCI, ALP, SS
POLSCI 460SA Politics and Policy Practicum for Duke in DC SS
POLSCI 468S Wealth and Poverty of Nations: Prosperity and Distribution in the Long Run SS
POLSCI 483 What Machiavelli Really Says EI, R, ALP, CZ
POLSCI 490S Special Topics in Political Science
POLSCI 493-1 Senior Research Independent Study Political Theory R
POLSCI 493-2 Senior Research Independent Study Political Institutions R
POLSCI 493-3 Senior Research Independent Study in Security, Peace and Conflict R
POLSCI 493-4 Senior Research Independent Study in Political Behavior and Identities R
POLSCI 493-5 Senior Research Independent Study in Political Methodology R
POLSCI 493-6 Senior Research Independent Study in Political Methodology R
POLSCI 494A Politics and Policy Practicum for Duke in DC R, SS
POLSCI 495S Honors Seminar R, W, SS
POLSCI 497S Capstone Seminar: Latin American Left Turns: A New Politics for the 21st Century? CCI, R, W, CZ, SS
POLSCI 497S-6 Senior Seminar in Political Economy SS
POLSCI 505S Race in Comparative Perspective CCI, SS
POLSCI 506S Theorists of Modern Politics: Marx, Durkheim, Weber CCI, SS
POLSCI 517S Democratic Institutions CCI, R, SS
POLSCI 520S Congressional Policy-Making SS
POLSCI 522S Comparative Party Politics CCI, R, SS
POLSCI 523 China Science and Technology Policy and Innovation CCI, STS, SS
POLSCI 525S Race and American Politics CCI, SS
POLSCI 527S Global Africa CCI, EI, SS
POLSCI 528S Peace and Conflict Processes R, W, SS
POLSCI 531 Economic History and Modernization of the Islamic Middle East
POLSCI 536S Choosing in Groups: Social Choice and Collective Action R, QS
POLSCI 537S Transitional Justice
POLSCI 538 Introduction to Machine Learning and Text as Data R
POLSCI 546S Assisting Development R, W, SS
POLSCI 547 Politics of United States Foreign Policy EI, R, SS
POLSCI 554 Privacy, Technology and National Security EI, STS, SS
POLSCI 558 Islam and the State
POLSCI 562S American Grand Strategy R, W, CZ, SS
POLSCI 564S Intelligence for National Security EI, SS
POLSCI 565S National Security Decision Making EI, SS
POLSCI 566 Democracy Lab SS
POLSCI 570 Frankfurt School Critical Theory EI, CZ
POLSCI 574S Dissent, Disobedience and Revolution R, SS
POLSCI 575S Ancient Political Philosophy CCI, EI, SS
POLSCI 577S Nietzsche's Political Philosophy EI, CZ, SS
POLSCI 578S Contemporary Theories of Democracy EI, SS
POLSCI 579S Topics in Early Modern Political Thought from Machiavelli to Mills CCI, R, SS
POLSCI 582S Contemporary Ethical Theories EI, CZ, SS
POLSCI 585S Adversarial Ethics EI, SS
POLSCI 589S The Black Radical Tradition CCI, EI, SS
POLSCI 590-1 Intermediate Topics in Political Theory
POLSCI 590-2 Intermediate Topics in Political Institutions
POLSCI 590-3 Intermediate Topics in Security, Peace, and Conflict
POLSCI 590-4 Intermediate Topics in Behavior and Identities
POLSCI 590-5 Intermediate Topics in Political Methodology
POLSCI 590-6 Intermediate Topics in Political Economy
POLSCI 590S-2 Intermediate Topics in Political Institutions
POLSCI 590S-3 Intermediate Topics in Security, Peace and Conflict
POLSCI 590S-4 Intermediate Topics in Behavior and Identities
POLSCI 590S-5 Intermediate Topics in Political Methodology
POLSCI 590S-6 Intermediate Topics in Political Economy
POLSCI 599S Political Economy of Conflict, Development, and Peacebuilding in Africa and the Middle East CCI, SS This Course will Count as a Capstone for Political Economy
POLSCI 607S Modern Public Sphere STS, W, SS
POLSCI 609L Fundamentals of Research in the Social Sciences
POLSCI 630 Probability and Basic Regression QS
POLSCI 631L Introduction to Deductive & Analytical Approaches to Political Phenomena R, SS
POLSCI 633S Positive Political Theory R, SS
POLSCI 634 Social Networks and Political Interdependence R, QS, SS
POLSCI 635 Survey Methodology Practicum R, QS, SS
POLSCI 642 Global Inequality Research CCI, R, SS
POLSCI 643 Applied Bayesian Modeling QS
POLSCI 644S The Political Economy of Inequality R, SS
POLSCI 650S Political Economy of International Relations R, SS
POLSCI 652S Repression and State Violence CCI, EI, R, CZ, SS
POLSCI 658S Political Economy of Terrorism SS
POLSCI 659S Civil Wars CCI, EI, R, SS
POLSCI 667S American Civil-Military Relations R, SS
POLSCI 668S Theory and Practice of International Security R, SS
POLSCI 670S Contemporary United States Foreign Policy EI, R, SS
POLSCI 676S Hegel's Political Philosophy EI, R, SS
POLSCI 681S Law and Philosophy EI, CZ, SS
POLSCI 683S Theology and Political Philosophy CCI, EI
POLSCI 684S Republicanism CCI, EI, CZ, SS
POLSCI 685S Social Contract Theory EI, SS
POLSCI 686S Injustice, Domination and Exploitation EI, CZ, SS
POLSCI 687S Classics of Political Economy EI, R, CZ, SS
POLSCI 690-1 Advanced Topics in Political Theory
POLSCI 690-2 Advanced Topics in Political Institutions
POLSCI 690-3 Advanced Topics in Security, Peace and Conflict
POLSCI 690-5 Advanced Topics in Political Methodology
POLSCI 690-6 Advanced Topics in Political Economy
POLSCI 690S-1 Advanced Topics in Political Theory
POLSCI 690S-2 Advanced Topics in Political Institutions
POLSCI 690S-3 Advanced Topics in Security, Peace and Conflict
POLSCI 690S-4 Advanced Topics in Political Behavior and Identities
POLSCI 690S-5 Advanced Topics in Political Methodology
POLSCI 690S-6 Advanced Topics in Political Economy
POLSCI 701 Core in Political Behavior and Identity
POLSCI 702 Political Psychology (A)
POLSCI 703S Racial and Ethnic Minorities in American Politics
POLSCI 704 Survey Methodology Practicum
POLSCI 706S Political Judgment and Decision Making
POLSCI 707A Marine Policy (A)
POLSCI 708 Democracy and the Rule of Law
POLSCI 711S Politics, Groups, and Identities
POLSCI 712S Values and Ideology
POLSCI 715 Core in Political Institutions
POLSCI 716 The New Institutionalism in Political Science (C-E)
POLSCI 718 Core Course in American Politics (BI, PI)
POLSCI 720S Capitalism
POLSCI 721 Authoritarian Institutions
POLSCI 722 Election Law
POLSCI 725S Research on Chinese Politics: Forefront and Foundations
POLSCI 727S Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning for Development (MELD) Seminar
POLSCI 730 Formal Modeling in Political Science (C-E)
POLSCI 731 Scope and Methods in Political Science (C-E)
POLSCI 732 Developing a Clear Thesis Project
POLSCI 733 Advanced Regression
POLSCI 745 Core in Political Economy (PE)
POLSCI 748 Causal Inference
POLSCI 749S Advanced Game Theory
POLSCI 750S Political Economy of Development
POLSCI 752 What Machiavelli Really Says
POLSCI 758 Workshop in Political Economy I
POLSCI 760S Core in Security, Peace and Conflict (SP)
POLSCI 762 The Political Economy of Institutions
POLSCI 763S Foundational Scholarship in International Relations
POLSCI 764S Political Economy of Corruption and Good Governance
POLSCI 780T Applied Sociology Research
POLSCI 781T Applied Sociology Research
POLSCI 790S Seminar for Teaching Politics Certificate Program
POLSCI 791S Thesis Writing in Political Science
POLSCI 797S Research Seminar in Political Science II
POLSCI 798 Individual Research (A,B,C,D)
POLSCI 890-1 Political Theory
POLSCI 890-2 Political Institutions
POLSCI 890-3 Security, Peace and Conflict
POLSCI 890-4 Political Behavior and Identities
POLSCI 890-5 Political Methodology
POLSCI 890-6 Political Economy
POLSCI 890S-14 Research Seminar in Cultural History
POLSCI 899 Internship